2015 Negotiation Updates

  • AAPS administration has created this site to present information about negotiations toward updated agreements with our teachers and staff. Below you will find a Frequently Asked Questions document, several documents with pertinent background information, as well as copies of communications from Dr. Swift.

    In this process, our priority is to reach a collaborative resolution that ensures our AAPS teachers and staff continue to be well resourced and compensated, and remain among the highest-performing public school employees in the state, while also maintaining a fiscally strong and viable AAPS organization.

    Please note: When using other districts to draw comparisons, whether analyzing achievement, financial or other district data, AAPS typically compares outcomes in two ways. First, comparisons are analyzed across Washtenaw County, among our 8 neighboring districts in the WISD. Secondly, we compare across what we call peer districts, those districts across the state that are most similar in size, student demographics, etc. We meet with a set of 'peer' districts regularly, and consistently reference this district group as 'Peer' or 'Comparable' districts.

  • AAPS FY14 Audit Presentation

    Audit Report
  • AAPS 5 Year Teacher
    Salary Comparison

    salary comparison

    AAPS Foundation Grant Trend

    foundation grant trend

    Foundation Allowance & MPSERS Contribution (per pupil)

    foundation grant & MPSERS
  • AAPS
    Fund Balance History

    fund balance history

    Washtenaw County
    FY14 Fund Balance Comparison

    washtenaw county comparison

    Comparable MI Districts
    FY14 Fund Balance Comparison

    comparable districts